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WelcOme grANd masTeRs

Open to the divine energy is flowing to and through you ~ 

this space, held by Anastacia, is here to support your ascension journey:

1:1 divine Healings

Living Divine energy for  your soul's journey.

New eArth UpdateS

Receive monthly emails written in Unity Connection and Love.


Multi-month journeys to catalyze your soul growth

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Anastacia is a Grand Master in service to Humanity and Gaia in real-time experience as an Ascension Pioneer Trailblazer WaySeer of 29 years.


A Rainbow Bridge with all of humanity bringing through new and unique Real-Time Energy updates as a timeline of our New Ascension as New Earth Masters, with unique Blue Ray Transmissions.


Anastacia assists and guides others with their Divine to link from their Soul to their Spirit/Higher Self through their EMOTIONS - to progressively merge their Spirit into the human into Fifth Dimensional energies as New Ascending Earth Masters.

Anastacia's Journey
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It's only been 48 hours and I truly can't fathom or put into words how I feel in this now moment. I have tears streaming down my face from the sheer joy for the amount of unconditional love flowing from my heart; for myself and life in general.


It is truly amazing how quickly one can change in less than 48 hours and some people don't believe in miracles lol.


I wish I could show you from my perspective just the severity of change that has happened inside of my being. That you may truly understand just how much of a blessing you are to this world.


I really can't thank you enough for helping me love me again!!!




EnergY updAteS

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GrandMaster New Earth Inner FREEdom Updates

Divine energy flowing to and through your inbox, with FULL updates written in Unity Connection for the current energies beyond what is shared on Facebook and YouTube, plus ALL platform video’s, classes & notices. Come join the amazing Blue Beyond Guide Ascension Train!

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© Anastacia Kompos 2024 ∞

design by fair folk creations

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